Meet McKenzie Salka
- Who inspires you: My parents – they are real go-getters, and are a big reason why I feel like I’m capable of doing anything!
- Best gift ever given? A flight lesson for my 16th birthday from my grandparents.
- Your motto: If you wish to move mountains tomorrow, you must start by lifting stones today.
- Favorite sport: Softball! It consumes my every second this time of year; I am a pitching coach, assistant coach for the high school, and head coach of a 14U travel team… and when I can, I like to play co-ed on Wednesday nights here in Lewistown J
- Favorite day of the year: New Year’s Eve – there’s something very special about new beginnings!
- I can’t start my day until…I have completed my morning routine – the main components of this are drinking a cup of coffee and dust mopping the first floor of our house. Why? Not sure, but it’s true.
- Something interesting about you: There is a Dateline episode about me from when I was 17 and crash landed a plane in Wyoming.
- Pet Peeve: When people talk over others and don’t make space for conversation
- I’ve never seen…A lot of movies… like, a lot of movies. I’m getting better!
- Nickname: Kenz, Kenzie, but never McKenz.
- I really want to learn more about: All sorts of things! Professionally, I want to learn more about policy work, personally I also would like to know how to throw pottery on a wheel.
- Something from your bucket list: Traveling to all sorts of places – the list is quite long! My husband and I have a goal to see the Himalayas next year.
- Guilty pleasure: Bachelor Nation… I can’t look away.
- I wish I could…Catch up with all of my good friends and family on a more regular basis.
- What are you really good at I am really good at accomplishing the things I set my mind to!
- What did you used to be able to do? I used to be able to finish a really good book in one sitting – life is a little busier now!
- Dream job: When I was younger, I wanted to be the typical things – a singer, a lawyer, a doctor… I also dreamed about moving to an island to open up a juice bar and being a scuba instructor, lol. BUT, I also love the idea of moving up in my prevention work to grow the impact I’m making from Fergus County to beyond.
- Something you’re most proud of: In 2021, my now husband and I bought an unlivable house, and we’ve since been able to remodel it to 99.9% – definitely proud of us both for this one – and all of the family and friends who helped us along the way J
- Spare time activity: Spare time can be hard to come by, in addition to my prevention work, I also teach yoga and work on the DFC grant in Fergus County, but if I’m not coaching, working, or working on our house, I like to be outside as much as possible – hiking, biking, fishing or walking our dog Moose!
- What do you wish you were better at: leaving free time free J
- Who have you learned the most from? This is a tough one. I’ve been lucky to have a lot of support and a lot of great teachers and mentors in my life. I think I’m going to say it’s a tie been each of my parents – they’ve taught me the value of hard work, and the importance of strong love.
- Something no one would believe about you: That I used to want to be an MMA fighter
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be: I wish there was a way to provide everyone with a life that feels like enough for them. Enough love, happiness, comfort, joy and purpose.
- What are you learning right now? My mom is teaching me about beekeeping! I’m also wrapping up an online course on ethics, and am headed to week 3 of the National Coalition Academy – we can never know too much J
- What could you not live without: I couldn’t live without laughter. But also – I do not think I would survive a weekday in this world without caffeine and a planner. Cell phones are nice, too J