EASY AS 1-2-3
Coalitions from the east to west coast are using YC Magazine to engage parents, brand their coalition, ensure sustainability, provide resources & information to their communities.
Start With the Basics
General Questions
How exactly does this work?
We compile the content – using experts to write the articles, a marketing company lays it out professionally, a commercial photographer takes the cover photo, and the local content comes from you! To start your first issue we need your high quality logo, photo of your director, website address, contact information for your advertising and photo submissions, and write up about your coalition. For each issue we will need 5 photos and write ups for your Faces in the Crowd (p. 10), 8 photos for your Assets in Action (p. 12), your director’s notes (p. 2), and 9½ pages of “advertising”, which can be ads from businesses or content from your coalitions. You set the prices – if you even want to charge for advertising.
How many issues can we choose to do?
Our coalition produces 4 per year – March, June, September and December. You can choose to use the issue we are working on or you can choose a past issue. You can do as many issues per year as you want.
How is the content decided upon and who writes the articles?
We have a magazine committee that decides on the content, however we are always open to ideas. We have found that issues that you deal with are usually issues that all of us are dealing with across the country. As far as authors, we use “experts” in their fields so the articles have credibility. Occasionally we’ll reprint an article from a national writer, with their permission of course. We have used articles written by other coalitions that use YC Magazine and we are happy to do that. We do have final say and editing privileges.
Can we put in our own articles?
Yes and no. We keep the cost reasonable by limiting the additional layout we have to do for each coalition. We are unable to change the table of contents or the front cover article topics. In addition, if we allowed articles they will not look like the rest of the magazine and our goal is to put out the highest quality product for your coalition. However, if you choose to use one of the advertisement pages, we do have a template titled “Local Content” which is basically free parking. You can put an article in there. Just know it will not be listed on the table of contents and it will replace one page of your advertising.
How hard is it to do?
The first issue is the most time consuming because of the initial items needed for layout. After that, it’s smoother. We have an online content management system that allows you to upload all your content so you can see exactly what is missing and what your deadlines are. It’s extremely user-friendly. We recommend a 15 minute phone training with anyone who will be uploading information.
How long does it take to complete an issue?
That depends on how efficient you are in collecting your content and meeting deadlines. You can plan on 6 weeks after all content is loaded to receive your pdf for printing and flipbook link for your website. We provide two proofs to you and we proof it as well. The more eyes the better!
How much is it?
The cost per issue, which include layout of the magazine with high quality graphics, all the article content, placing your advertising, PDF ready for the printer, and flip book for your website is $1850. We can get you quotes for printing, which often ends up less than what you can find, but that is up to you.
How do we get it out to our community?
If you choose to mail to your families you may use our non-profit bulk mail permit, which costs about .26 per magazine. We’ll send your mailing list to the printer and they will do all the work. We receive our mailing list from the school district without names, so we address it to “Parent/guardian of a school district student”. You can have them addressed anyway you like. You can get additional issues boxed and shipped to you for placement around town. We can get you printing quotes, or you can choose to print them locally.
You need more information
Magazine Advertising
Should we charge for advertising?
That’s up to you. Our coalition prints 7000 copies and mails them to every family in our school district, we send home with kiddos from two neighboring school districts, and we place them in 50 locations around town – YMCA, doctor and dentist offices, library, women’s shelter – anywhere parents are. In order to off-set the cost of printing and mailing (since we don’t have grant funding to cover it any more), we do charge for advertising. So it is possible for this to be a revenue stream for your coalition if need be. We are happy to share our rates if you’re interested. We generate about $7000 per issue based on the rates we charge, which then pays for printing and mailing.
Do the advertisements need to be developed by a marketing or advertising company?
No. However, you want to be sure your advertisers use high quality photos, logos, and documents. Use the original when possible – AKA don’t make a copy on the copier, then scan it in. Same goes for the photos – no right clicking on a photo from a website. The resolution won’t be high enough and it will appear blurry and pixelated. This is your high quality magazine and you want the content to reflect that. We can provide an ad development cheat sheet if that’s helpful.

Have more questions?
Give us a call or send us an email. We’re happy to answer any questions you or your coalition may have!