To help your child become part of this effort, help them program their phone using these numbers:
Jon Cook
Andrew Barton
Capital High School
Tyler Wood
CR Anderson
Bryan Haven
Helena High School
School Resource Officers (SRO’s) are located in the middle and high schools of Helena Public Schools.
TXT UR HPD Program is an option for students to have quick/easy access to their SRO to discretely report illegal or unsafe information directly to their SRO.
At Helena Public Schools, we know technology can serve as an important tool in both the education and safety of students. The same cell phone that can be used as an educational aide in the classroom can now be used by students to contact their School Resource Officer directly. Through a campaign called TXT UR HPD, all students in Helena Public Schools are encouraged to program their School Resource Officer’s phone number directly into their phones. While we know that calling a police officer directly can feel intimidating and is difficult to do discretely, the new TXT UR HPD allows students to report illegal or unsafe activity directly and immediately.
School Resource Officers (SRO’s) are located in the middle and high schools of Helena Public Schools. For detailed information regarding the School Resource Officer in your child’s building, please visit the city’s website here.
When to TXT UR HPD
- When you feel unsafe, in school or outside of school
- When you think someone else is unsafe, in school or outside of school
- With confidentiality if you think a crime may take place
When to call 911
- Texting your SRO does not replace 911
- If you face a life threatening emergency, call (don’t text) 911
- If you have a “text only” cell phone plan, you are still able to call 911