All Your Prevention Needs In One Place


  • Convenient online platform
  • Onboarding suite for new Prevention Specialists
  • Advanced courses for experienced professionals
  • SPF, CSAP, Ethics
  • Core Competencies


  • One-on-one coaching specific to your community
  • Logic Model development
  • Coalition building
  • Tribal Technical Assistance
  • You're never alone
  • Media best practice guidance


  • Moving community prevention goals forward
  • Support for communities of all sizes
  • Evaluation of interventions
  • Grant writing
  • Topic-specific trainings
  • Sustainability of effective prevention strategies
  • Study groups for prevention specialist certification

Our Clients Say...

"I wish I had this when I started."
"Wow. This is amazing!"
"I'm so much more successful now."

Courses developed by a team of Certified Prevention Specialists with a combined 100+ years of experience.

  • 101 Welcome
  • 102 Intro to Prevention
  • 102A Pre-SAPST
  • 103 Montana Prevention Overview
  • 103A Montana Prevention Reporting
  • 103B Parenting Montana
  • 104 Prevention Science
  • 105 Intro to Assessment
  • 106 Intro to Capacity
  • 107 Intro to Planning
  • 107A CSAP
  • 107B Logic Models
  • 108 Intro to Implementation
  • 109 Intro to Evaluation
  • 110 Intro to Cultural Proficiency
  • 111 Intro to Sustainability
  • 201 Assessment – Data Collection
  • 201A Data Sources: CHIP/CHA
  • 202 Communication
  • 203 Relationship and Coalition Building
  • 205 Assessment Skills
  • 206 Capacity Skills
  • 207 Planning Skills
  • 208 Implementation Skills
  • 209 Evaluation Skills
  • 210 Cultural Proficiency Skills
  • 211 Sustainability Skills