Meet Ashley Toavs
- Who inspires you – I have a lot of inspirational people in my life, it’s way too hard to choose just one! My husband, my parents, and my older sister all inspire me in different aspects of my life.
- Best gift ever given? A shopping spree!
- Your motto: You only live once (YOLO) so make good decisions and enjoy life to the fullest.
- Favorite sport: Track & Field
- Favorite day of the year – My son’s birthday & Christmas morning.
- I can’t start my day until… I have a cup of coffee!
- Something interesting about you – I love true crime documentaries, podcasts, movies, etc.
- Pet Peeve – Bad Hygiene & people who are intentionally mean.
- I’ve never seen… The movie “The Notebook” or “The Titanic”
- Nickname – Ash
- I really want to learn more about – gardening.
- Something from your bucket list – A vacation with my family to Europe.
- Guilty pleasure – Shopping.
- I wish I could… travel back in time for a day.
- What are you really good at – Hair & Makeup.
- What did you used to be able to do? Run 3 miles without stopping (haha)
- Dream job – To own my own busines
- Something you’re most proud of – Sounds cliche, but being a mom is very rewarding!
- Spare time activity – Spending time outside, boating, going to the lake, baking, relaxing at home with my family.
- What do you wish you were better at – Public speaking.
- Who have you learned the most from? Probably my mom and my husband.
- Something no one would believe about you – I love to clean, it clears my mind.
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be – The ability for people to see other people’s perspectives.
- What are you learning right now? I love small DIY projects, so I love to learn about new techniques and fun ways to do things.
- What could you not live without – my son!