More About PAX Tools Community Training
By: Kate Paolucci, PAX Tools Manager from the PAXIS Institute
PAX Tools™ is a collection of trauma-informed, evidence-based behavioral strategies for families and communities to promote the development of self-regulation of the children in their lives. Adults who participate in PAX Tools Community Workshops receive the strategies and materials they need to effectively use PAX Tools with children, including the PAX Tools App. PAX Tools Community Workshops are presented locally by PAX Tools Community Educators.
PAX Tools Community Educator Training is offered as 9 hours of content where participants observe a PAX Tools Community Workshop, participate in teaching sections of the content, and learn about implementing PAX Tools in their own community. An individual who completes this training will become a certified PAX Tools Community Educator, authorized to provide PAX Tools Community Workshops in their own community. Participants in PAX Tools Community Educator training will receive a manual, as well as training materials for each PAX Tool. Upon completion of the training, certified PAX Tools Community Educators receive access to online resources, ongoing technical assistance and professional development provided by PAXIS.
In October 2020, the Montana Evidence-Based Workgroup recognized PAX Tools as a Promising Practice for Substance Abuse Prevention. Montana state prevention providers are encouraged to utilize programs recognized as Promising Practices and implement them with the people they serve.
Who Should Attend PAX Tools Community Educator Training? Ideal candidates serve in one of the following areas: Parent Educators
Health Educators
Prevention Educators
Extension Educators
Social Service Providers
Volunteer Coordinators
Foster Care and Respite Providers
Faith-Based Youth Workers/Volunteers
Mental Health / Substance Abuse Providers
Additionally, PAX Tools for School@Home™ provides parents and caregivers with research-based strategies to increase their children’s focus, motivation, stamina, and a number of other skills that specifically help children improve their study habits and outcomes when learning at home.
The PAX Tools for School@Home Community Educator Training provides a new and needed application of PAX Tools for parents and caregivers who are facilitating a child’s schoolwork at home. Thistraining equips PAX Tools Community Educators with the skills and materials to support parents and caregivers with situation-specific applications of five Evidence-based Kernels when facilitating schoolwork at home.
After completion of this 6-hour training, PAX Tools Community Educators will be certified to present PAX Tools for School@Home Community Workshops. This training will equip Community Educators to effectively guide parents and caregivers in virtual or in-person presentations of PAX Tools for School@Home. Certified Community Educators will also receive access to the copyrighted presentation slides and reproducible participant workbook, training certificate and evaluation tool all in both English and Spanish.
For more information about PAX Tools visit paxis.org or email [email protected].