Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT)
Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT) is designed to provide in school support for children with a serious emotional disturbance. The CSCT team, made up of a therapist and a behavioral specialist, offers individual and group therapy sessions, family therapy and supports, in class support, and advocacy for students in the program. The goal is to improve the student’s skill set and support improved academic success and behavior.”
Comprehensive School and Community Treatment Services (CSCT) are offered in the following buildings in the Helena:
Smith, Rossiter, Broadwater, Helena High School, Helena Middle School, and Capital High School. Services provided by Intermountain. Please visit their website to view a complete description of their CSCT program in these schools. www.intermountain.org
Bryant, Central, and CR Anderson. Services provided by AWARE Please visit their website to view a complete description of their CSCT program in these schools. www.aware-inc.org
East Helena and Montana City schools are served by Intermountain. www.intermountain.org
School Counselors
Each school has at least one counselor assigned to your child. This counselor should be your first point of contact for issues that may arise for your child during the school year. They have other in-school resources available should your child need additional assistance.
Elementary Counselors:
4 Georgians Elementary School:
Elizabeth Marshall 324-1321
Broadwater Elementary School:
Linda Safty Unsworth 324-1124
Bryant Elementary School:
Pam Campbell 324-1196
Central Elementary School:
Shannon Chapman 324-1240
Hawthorne Elementary School:
Linda Safty Unsworth 324-1370
Amanda Simonson 324-1370
Jefferson Elementary School:
Amanda Simonson 324-1677
Jim Darcy Elementary School:
Micah Kemper 324-1414
Iris Ziegler 324-1414
Kessler Elementary School:
Micah Kemper 324-1677
Rossiter Elementary School:
Helen Fee 324-1486
Smith Elementary School: Iris
Ziegler 324-1526
Warren School:
Pam Campbell 324-1613
Shannon Chapman 324-1613
Middle School Counselors:
CR Anderson Middle School:
Mary Anderson 324-2763
Mark McCauley 324-2762
Ron Silvers 324-2764
Helena Middle School:
Jim McGrane 324-1014
Sara Burg 324-1013
High School Counselors:
Capital High School:
Jeramie Robinson 324-2493
Carol Perisho 324-2491
Jamie Bawden 324-2492
Chance Ferlicka 324-2490
Helena High School:
Kathryn Miller 324-2227
Shane Dempsey 324-2224
Christina Murgel 324-2223
Jason Murgel 324-2226
Project for Alternative Learning: Heidi Opitz 324-1650