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Make a difference – volunteer with us!
We need your help
There are many opportunities to volunteer with Youth Connections. There is something for everyone: all times of day, in our office or from home, alone or in groups, one-time events or ongoing projects, and as an individual or a business. You can do as little or as much fits your schedule. Just know that every little bit helps!
Youth Connections Volunteer Needs:
Below are some of the things you can do to help make our community safer for our kids:
- Project Leaders:
- Parents Who Host – coordinate sending out letter
- Silkscreen and embroidery policy annual reminder letter
- Find Your Spot:
- Recruit businesses to host events
- Chaperone events or set up/tear down events
- Plan an event
- Get donations
- YC Magazine:
- Write articles
- Submit photos
- Research By the Numbers
- Get Faces in the Crowd submissions
- Serve on Magazine Committee to determine content
- Distribution (hand deliver magazines to pre-determined locations) on a quarterly basis
- Cookies/Snacks for evening events
- Assist with float inspections of the Vigilante Day Parade the Thursday and Friday of the parade
- Environmental Scans in local businesses to make sure businesses are following the signage policy. Following up scans with a mailing
- Assisting with mailings
- Chair or serve on a task force
- Organize the quarterly Coalition meeting – find speakers, confirm room reservation, arrange for refreshments
Business help:
- Purchase magazine ads
- Sponsor food for events (alternative activities, board retreat, etc.)
- Market and promote our events (put info in their newsletters, let their staff know of events, put events on their reader boards, etc.)
- Donate goods or services:
- Accounting consultation
- Legal consultation
- Office supplies
- Prizes/supplies for alcohol-free events for kids
Check back often for an updated list of needed items.